What is your background?
I spent the first 14 years of my career in advertising. I used to be the Creative director on the Emirates Airline account with Firefly and the Head of Digital on the Etihad account with TBWA. I stopped working full time for advertising agencies in 2015 and have been a freelance Brand Strategist, UI/ UX Designer and Senior Creative ever since.
What gives you the reason to believe that you can help us grow our business?
My past success stories include helping Dubai based Firefly Group win Emirates Airlines as a client. I then played a pivotal role in helping Firefly grow the account to a 1 Million Dirham billing in under a year. I served as their creative director and also doubled up as their account director on the account for some time.
When I worked for TBWA as their Head of Digital, I helped Etihad Airways switch focus from a traditional advertising effort to one that was more online focussed. I did this by showing conversion and a much higher rate of return. Here is one of the campaigns that I helped run or Etihad Airways.
While these companies might be much larger than you or in a different industry to you, most of the core problems that any business faces are similar and the solutions to these problems are transferable and scalable.
What is your methodology?
I will work with you through a series of workshops. At the end of the workshops you will know exactly who you are as a brand, who your customers are, who your competition is and how to get ahead of them. Most importantly, you will know what your brand promise is to your customer and how you can refine, change or add to your products and services and communication effort to effectively deliver against your promise.
After the workshops you may retain me to set up your web presence, a complete CRM pipeline, social media or any other organic marketing effort. I can also help you optimise your advertising spend and increase the rate of return on it.
What kind of a growth can I expect?
While a lot depends on where you are in your journey and your openness to change, if you are a small to medium enterprise or a reasonably established start-up - if you let me - I can help you 2X your business in less than two to four years.
Do I have to spend a lot of money on advertising to achieve a 2X multiplier on growth?
No. You don't need a massive advertising budget. This is a myth that I would like to bust. I have seen it repeatedly, and I promise you that this belief alone keeps so many small businesses in a rut, and is a complete lie.
While advertising is an important component in your marketing mix and has a part to play. I would strongly advise against being fully dependent only on it. Almost all advertising happens in the competitive space and in this space - for the best part - you are bidding for the lowest paying customer. Not the best strategy if you want to double your revenue and bank more profits.
Advertising also falls in the paid media space and you know what happens when you stop paying for it. Social media or a well established CRM (newsletter) program for example is in the earned or organic media space. They have a higher residual value and a higher long term rate of return.
Name some of your past clients?
• London Borough of Islingto
• Natwest
• Emirates Bank
• UK's Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
• Harborough District Council
• Publicis Sapient
• La Prairie
• Emirates Airline
• Etihad Airways
• Exxon Mobil
• Natwest
• Emirates Bank
• UK's Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
• Harborough District Council
• Publicis Sapient
• La Prairie
• Emirates Airline
• Etihad Airways
• Exxon Mobil
Which markets do you have an on-the-ground experience in?
• United Kingdom
• United Arab Emirates
• India
• United Arab Emirates
• India
Which industries/ sectors have you worked in?
• Finance/ Fintech/ Banking
• Hospitality
• eCommerce
• Airlines
• Fashion
• Beauty
• Government
• Hospitality
• eCommerce
• Airlines
• Fashion
• Beauty
• Government
Where are you based?
My home base is London, but I frequently spend my time in the US and the Far East. Wherever I am, I will tweak my working hours to match your’s such that I am able to offer up to 4 hours of face time to you and your team every day.
Can you offer custom quotes for our projects?
Absolutely. Please drop me a line at ben@bettercallben.studio or get in touch using the enquiry form below and I'll be happy to offer you a 45 minute free consultation.
Thank you!
Ben Kamble
+44 7490687815
London + Berkshire
United Kingdom
United Kingdom