Project details: NEX is one of the few companies in the world that specialises in post trade processing - it is the activity that happens once two traders have locked in a trade with each other.  Essentially a pipeline is opened between the two parties and legal contracts are exchanged and signed to confirm and legitimise the trade. These contracts are based on a set of trading rules. I helped NEX design the document management system to generate the necessary contracts. I also helped them build the rules engine that sits at the heart of it.
Stakeholder management, research, design and developer collaboration:
• I worked with the product manager and product director. They served as my client, SMEs and user representatives. I understood the technical intricacies of the project from them, interviewed them for research and workshopped initial scamps with them.
• The scamps I designed were further developed by conducting virtual workshops with other business stakeholder and SMEs from NEX’s New York office and their engineering team in Tel Aviv. The challenge here was that between London, Tel Aviv and New York there is only one hour overlap of work hours between the three offices. Here my approach of developing scamps beforehand served well given the scantity of time. I used the scamps to expedite conversations and got the validation I needed from the concerned parties 
• The result was wireframes for the end-to-end journey as well as detailed click-by-click interaction design system.
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