the Brief
Exxon Mobile wanted to create a tool to enable car owners to find Exxon Mobil partner (M1C) garages for servicing their cars.
This product was to be developed for the Russian Market.
A large part of Russian car owners don't use an online tool for booking car services. The booking were traditionally done via phone, and recently the use of WhatsApp and Telegram have grown in popularity. The Russian startup “CarFix” has taken advantage of this void and has started creating a strong presence in the online booking space . Carfix is valued at 20-25M USD and has received collaboration from big auto players like Willgood and Bosch Auto.
Exxon Mobil wanted to reach out to their customers in ways that go beyond the traditional marketing sales tactics to sell of their Mobil 1 oils. They wanted to create a permanent link - a supply chain of sorts that binds their customers to them. The two main customers in consideration here are the end car owners (Retail) and the garage owners (Wholesale).
Upon observing the research that cited the changing trend from phone to WhatsApp to Carfix and the investment pouring into this space, Exxon Mobil felt confident that being in the online booking space would help further Exxon Mobil's motive. Behind the scenes, the company has tied up with several garages across Russia. They have offered the garages training, advise and co-branding to help them up their quality to Exxon Mobil standards.
The online booking tool had two parts, the consumer side for car owners to book a car servicing and the garage (site) owners’ side for them to manage the bookings. The work involved:
• Studying research produced by Russian counterparts
• Interviewing user representatives and business stakeholders who understood the Russian market
• Co-designing end-to-end user journeys and prototypes with a team of account managers, technologist and the project managers
• Studying research produced by Russian counterparts
• Interviewing user representatives and business stakeholders who understood the Russian market
• Co-designing end-to-end user journeys and prototypes with a team of account managers, technologist and the project managers
